Rack Kickboxer

It is mainly a rack chosen a street fight , even professionals. Its essence lies in the fact that during the battle stance as it is constantly changing with the left hand for right-handed and vice versa. This stance kickboxer truly versatile and useful in practical applications, since it enables the use of equally good in a fight, and his arms and legs. In addition it has the following advantages:

1) Housing, expanded about a vertical axis to reduce the area of ​​contact with enemy attacks, and also makes it possible to attack the soldier without arms swing;

2) of the feet relative to the line of attack and even distribution of weight on both feet allow without much training to hit the front and back foot, as well as the back foot with a turn;

3) the assembled position of shoulders. hands and head to successfully conduct offensive and defensive actions;

4) This state of the body in fighting stance makes it easy to move around, to effectively perform tactical actions, while maintaining stability.

5) feet, knees bent, help avoid possible damage to the knee when attacking an opponent's legs.

Such arbitrary rack requires a relaxed state and at the same time, constant readiness for action, which in turn helps to avoid premature fatigue. Muscles of the body to receive periodic rest, which makes it possible to mobilize the right time, to develop a high speed impact.

Recommendations for the use of combat left-sided rack

1) Fist of the left hand should be placed in person, a little in front, as he closes his mouth, the chin, the nose, and is located above the right fist;

2) The chin dropped to his chest, thereby closing the throat;

3) The left side of the chin rose slightly raised the left shoulder;

4) The right chin is covered right fist, which directly concerns him;

5) The right shoulder is relaxed and lowered, thereby closing the liver;

6) The abdominal muscles are picked up and stretched;

7) The chest locked elbows and forearms;

8) The legs are slightly bent at the knees, his right leg over the left;

9) The upper part of the body together with the pelvis rotated to the right;

10) On the left foot is carried primarily by the majority of the mass of the body, so the right foot holds about
11) The left foot rests lightly on the front of the foot, the heel slightly raised;

12) The right foot rests on the toe, heel elevated;

13) feet of both feet are turned slightly to the right, with the right to deploy a little more left.