Left-handed combat stance.

This rack is used very often. As a rule, it is the starting training in boxing, so its elements are used in the other arts. Left-hand column can work out with friends at home. For maximum effect, you can use an ordinary mirror, because it can be used to estimate the correct execution of movements.

So, let's begin. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet should be parallel. May for convenience chalk mark the distance between the feet and draw two parallel lines. Next, stand on the drawn lines, then set aside the right foot back on the line, rotate it slightly inward, while maintaining the distance between the left and right toe heel no more than the width of his shoulders.

The focus can be done on your toes even when turning right. In this case, the right sock to be deployed to the right a few more left. Followed by a slight movement of the body to produce forward, is then carried out to carry more of the weight on the left leg. With this move, more than half weight on the left leg and the right heel is raised substantially.

Hands must-clenched, chin lowered to his chest, so that he would have covered the throat.

After all this, bend your elbows, bring them to the chin, try to cover up the movement of the forearm elbow housing front. Lift the left shoulder slightly up, right to the chin that would left fist raised slightly higher than the right. The abdominal muscles need to be stretched, left fist launched forward.

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