Agitation as a type of human response when he is afraid

According to psychologists, there are three main types of human response, at the time when he feels fear. This agitation , twilight consciousness and stupor. In this article we will talk about the agitation .

Agitation is primarily manifested in the foreign reaction, that is, when the person in the event of threats to his life trying by all means to escape, to hide. Or automatically starts the action plan for safety - close head in his hands, his body twisted, zazhmurivaet eyes and so on.

This behavior can be explained by the fact that this point in the body are hormonal changes, when a significant amount of blood is pumped adrenaline. Thus adrenaline affects the blood, which in turn is a substantial amount of sails to the organs of the musculoskeletal system. While the blood of such doses delivered to the legs, arms, respectively, at the same time it takes for other vital organs, namely the brain.

There is another motor response with agitation , which is most often seen in people with a weak psyche and nervous system. The reason is that an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood causes a complete paralysis of the muscles.

Psychological preparation for battle.

Vulnerability to biological destruction is very strong, it is programmed in a man for his own preservation. But in real life, in practice, in order to survive must overcome this terrible program. Without basic psychological training make it virtually impossible.

Trained fighter with a real threat to his life, should not have to fear or aggression, as these feelings interfere with quickly and correctly understand the situation. Therefore, the psychological preparation of such people has two main objectives:

1) completely pushed out of his mind the fear of death;

2) In any emergency situation, to be able to instantly turn off consciousness, because the body needs to be guided only by the unconscious part of the mind.

In most cases, this behavior is to provide the most effective results.