The palm stick as one of the weapons.

Weapons - >>> Weapon types of wood
Palmar sticks - is the shortest stick, which can be useful in a street fight . Length of no more than 12-17 cm, roughly depends on the size of your palm. That is in the hands gripped the weapon size is approximately 2-4 cm

Diameter palm sticks often be from 1 to 3 sticks can see the end of a leave and sharpen dull or simply cut off at an angle.

Ways to capture:

1. The grip in the middle which gives force punch. Types of stroke are: intersecting, cutting, bonder, scratches, etc. Area of ​​Effect: bones and muscles, and skin.

2. Grip that keeps the usual small knife, respectively technique works here stabbed.

If, however, you have to fight with them did not have such a tool, which is more than likely, you can use an ordinary pen, lighter or any other object enters your arm.

Try to pin count punches that would not cause them anywhere. Just place the blocks, or better yet, turn aside, what would strike back. You can alternate strokes palm stick and legs. But the most important thing in a fight, it is not a strength, agility and mental attitude.

Distance of street fighting. Methods of protection.

Consider the known distance of combat in real life:

1) The first is distance - the "far" that is, at a distance of a shot, a stone's throw, knife, or other dangerous object. In such cases, the main maneuver quickly, depending on the situation (left, right, forward, backward, do a somersault or jump to the side.)

2) The second distance is less common, but still it can be.
so-called distance "within striking distance" long stick or fittings. Protection is about the same as in the first race.

3) The third distance differs from the second only a long stick, or fixtures or any other object. That is, it is a short subject. The best protection is simply a way to fight off a stroke or put the block, which would then counterattack. Also refer to this distance kick. Effective protection - is under attack by throwing a leg and try to overwhelm the opponent.

4) Fourth, the most common - "at a distance punch", a knife, brass knuckles, or other materials at hand, which is good in the hand.   Basically here protection similar to that 4 distance. Blocks, then counterattack.

5) This distance is "within striking distance head, elbow or knee." Is more secure than in the past. Because if as close to the opponent, he simply will not be able to make an impact. And then you can go on the attack, already known to us not dzhentelmentskimi ways like a finger in the eye, or ear bite.

Description of fear. Fear as a phenomenon.

Since ancient times, people have learned to fight, control and overpower your fear . Hunters and warriors from the early years to master this art, it is only the dependencies of future generations and the community. Already in ancient times they knew all the features of this strange feeling: feeling fear , man or strained to the limit and is laid out on full force and loses self-control, that is defeated.

Fear - is beyond strong emotion or experience that occurs when a visible threat as a physical being, and social well-being. The threat may be real or very suggestible, but people react to it as a present.

Fear as a phenomenon has a large number of varieties, which all depends on the person as a person well, and on the specific situation. A man who feels fear , feels some anxiety, panic, uncertainty, inexplicable horror.